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Interested in learning more about the theory and practice of self-directed education?
Here is a short list of books, articles, and other resources that we recommend:
What Does it Mean to Be Educated? By Blake Boles
What Does Neurodiversity Really Imply for Education? By Naomi Fisher
Learning Requires Freedom By Peter Gray
The Many Benefits, for Kids, of Playing Video Games. By Peter Gray
What Do Kids at a Center for Self-Directed Education Do on Their Smartphones? By Ben Draper
What If They Just Play All Day and Never Choose to do any Academics? By Ben Draper
How Children Learn by John Holt
Deschooling Our Lives by Matt Hern, ed.
Instead of Education: Ways to Help People do Things Better by John Holt
Free to Learn by Peter Gray
Changing Our Minds: How children can take control of their own learning by Naomi Fisher
Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: the case for helping them leave, chart their own paths, and prepare for adulthood at their own pace. By Blake Boles